Il Diritto dell'Unione EuropeaEISSN 2465-2474 / ISSN 1125-8551
G. Giappichelli Editore
Fascicolo 1

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Useful Effect of the Framework Decision on the European Arrest Warrant

The paper discusses possible approaches to interpretation of the Framework Decision on European Arrest Warrant after expiry of the transitional period under the Treaty of Lisbon, on December 1, 2014. Author addresses the tension between the integrative objective of the Framework Decision and other objectives of national criminal law, suggesting that the said Framework Decision allows discretion ...
di Siniša Rodin, Giudice presso la Corte di giustizia dell’Unione europea, Lussemburgo.

Il diritto non scritto nell'accertamento dei diritti fondamentali dopo la riforma di Lisbona

The article analyses the role of the EU general principles on the protection of fundamental rights within the European Union after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, which recognized to the Charter of fundamental rights the same legal value as the Treaties. The analysis is divided into two sections. The first one (paragraphs IV-IX) focuses on the reasons why whereby the Court of Justice ...
di Chiara Amalfitano, Associato di Diritto dell’Unione europea, Università Statale diMilano

Il Regolamento europeo n. 912/2014 e la ripartizione della responsabilità tra Unione Europea e Stati membri nel caso di violazione di accordi internazionali di investimento

The European Union exclusive competence on foreign direct investments should imply the inclusion of the arbitration clause in agreements that the EU will sign with third parties, alone or with Member States. Given that the EU has accepted investor-State arbitration as a mechanism to solve disputes, it has to provide for a regime of responsibility, applicable in case of disputes concerning mixed ...
di Benedetta Cappiello, Assegnista di ricerca in Diritto dell’Unione europea, Università Statale di Milano.

Le politiche relative all'asilo e all'immigrazione tra garanzie giurisdizionali e ragioni della politica

The paper highlights how the rights of migrants have found strong guarantee in the case law of the Italian Constitutional Court and of the ECJ, both Courts having endorsed an evolutive interpretation of the relevant laws. By contrast, recent political events have demonstrated insufficient solidarity among Member States and the tendency to manage the immigration crisis at the intergovernmental ...
di Paola Mori, Straordinario di Diritto dell’Unione europea, Università “Magna Graecia” di Catanzaro

La disciplina sugli aiuti di Stato nel settore sanitario: quali effetti e, soprattutto, quale applicazione?

This article aims at assessing whether, and to what extent, State measures financing health care services provided by private and public hospitals fall under the scope of State aid rules. This raises, in turn, another question: how State aid rules may influence the functioning of National Health Care Systems? Both are delicate and problematic issues that have been highly debated over recent ...
di Antonello Schettino, Funzionario presso l’Autorità garante della Concorrenza edel Mercato, Roma.

L'obbligo di recupero degli aiuti indiretti tra principio di effettività e principio di leale cooperazione: il caso Mediaset (III) dinanzi alla Corte di giustizia

The article focuses on the analysis of the Mediaset decision of the Court of Justice issued on 13 February 2014, Case C-69/13, which further develops the debate on national courts’ discretion when required recovery of indirect State aids. In particular, addressing the first question by the referring court, the Court holds that, when executing a Commission’s decision declaring an aid ...
di Maria Grazia Buonanno, Dottoranda di ricerca in Diritto dell’Unione europea,Università di Trieste

La Corte di giustizia dell'Unione e il diritto nazionale degli Stati membri

This essay shows how the Court of Justice pays attention to Member States’ procedural law and substantive law. As far as procedural law is concerned, the Court of Justice is bound, due to the principle of conferral, to respect the procedural autonomy of the Member States and to restrictively apply the limits that it sets to that principle. Consequently, the Court of Justice only ...
di Paolo Mengozzi, Avvocato generale presso la Corte di giustizia dell’Unione europea, Lussemburgo.